Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kai + Skyler are twins!

Kai has just discovered the beauty of wearing jeans. It has been a long strange trip in terms of pants for Kai. He is really picky and refuses to wear underwear, so most of the time rough materials are discarded for the softer fabric of sweats. This was not cutting it so amidst much protest we cajoled Kai into trying on jeans. After a few tries he agrees--they rock!

So the other day we went to buy Kai jeans at Macy's and he talked Skyler into buying a pair so they could be "twins". It took me a few days to get Skyler's jeans washed since they sent us home with the alarm thingy still attached--finally Devon and Kai sawed it off against my protests that I was going to bring them back to the store. Turns out their plan was faster and more effective. Done. So this morning Kai woke up and asked if I had washed Skyler's jeans--elated to hear my affirmative answer, they went about trying to figure out the rest of the outfit that would make them twins. Their first choice shirts were not available--somewhere in the glut of laundry we always have going. They found a replacement and then spent much time deliberating the choice of belts and their disappointment that they did not have matching shoes. The morning was so exciting amidst the enactment and anticipation of really being twins.

I had to document this moment--how long can it last? It was so adorable!

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