Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Strange Happenings!

Skyler: Well Skyler is still sick. He had a high fever and then it was gone. Then it returned. Gone. Returned. Out of school. In school. Seeming better, but now left without any resiliency and really grouchy! Whatever he had really hit him hard! It was slow coming on and has lingered on what seems like forever...

Kai: Three days ago while engaged in a school activity Kai was engaged in journaling about nature. They were free writing about what they saw as they sat quietly alone in a cozy spot they each picked out near a stream. Kai was interested in oat or wheat grass--not sure the exact variety but all the same. As we were leaving the site Kai and friends picked some of this unnamed grass and proceeded to eat it. Something in the back of my mama brain said--maybe not the best idea. But I quickly quieted those voices and rationalized that it was all in the name of experimentation. I went home. Kai stayed at school. Grandma picked him up and took him to gymnastics--2 hr workout [1 of the three he does each week]--and then off to Ethiopian for dinner. Next morning he says that his throat feels a bit dry. When the flashlight hits his throat all I can see is a piece of that grass sticking out completely horizontally struck in the side of his throat pointing to his tonsils. Tears fill my eyes. "What is wrong, Mama?" Kai wants to know. I get him to stay put, go immediately to the bathroom, sterilize the tweezers, grab a emery board and head back still brandishing my flashlight. What is a mama to do? I think I understand how parents lift cars when they need to--in my mind that invader needed to be out of Kai's throat RIGHT NOW!!! I told him what was going on. Said if he could not sit still and let me do minor surgery on him I would need to get him to the doctor and proceeded to use the nail file to hold his tongue down and reached in as far as I could--I could only barely hold on to the tweezers and grabbed that grass seed and pulled. It came out! I could not believe it. It worked. I saved him! Oh my god, maybe that was a job for the doctor was the next thing that came to mind. I just never thought about it--I wanted it out! It is out. All is good. I do not think Kai will eat grass again for a really long time.

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